After many years of marriage, many people slip into a dull,
unfulfilled, and routine marriage. If you or your wife is shy, this “role play”
idea will take some getting used to. If you are completely clueless, watch the
opening scenes from “4 Christmases” with Vince Vaughn. He and his girlfriend
(Reese Witherspoon) do an excellent “role play” where she gets picked up at the
bar from a “stranger” (her boyfriend of many years). Even though they haven’t
been married, because both sets of parents are divorced, they know that they
have to keep things fresh to keep their love alive!
Before you go crazy, it may be best to start with something
innocent, light-hearted and easy.
Here are a few ideas:
- Pretend
you are teenagers and your parents are about to come home…quickie time!
- Imagine
you are the pool boy and speak no English. Have your wife SLOWLY seduce
- Be
totally off the wall. Give her a crazy sex toy, vibrator or mood enhancer
to shake things up a bit.
- Become
the opposite of your personality (Bad boys be nice!)
- Have
you wife play hard to get at the bar. For added thrills, have her toss a
drink in your face
- Pretend
you are a judge at a beauty contest and you need to speak to her alone…
- Let
her be the boss at your “job”. Have her forcibly have sex with you in your
home office
- Be a
service technician and surprise her in the shower (no plumber’s crack
- Lay
out a bed of roses for her. Light some candles and give her a massage.
When she asks you, “What’s going on?” Don’t respond. Don’t talk for over
an hour as you apply heated massage oils to her body.
- Have
her be a stripper for you. Offer her some $$$ for extras and make sure she
refuses for a while
- Let
her be a foreign exchange student asking for directions
- (Here’s
a classic) Be her gynecologist and tell her you are retiring today!
- Get in
a huge fight over nothing. Threaten to leave her, reconcile and have great
make up sex.
- Introduce
a naughty enhancement product. Who cares if it works or not! The placebo
effect or nature’s natural blood flow increaser will DEFINITELY make her
eyes open wide (along with her legs).
You get the idea. It may be too much for some folks to wear
costumes right away. However, taking on simple personalities or persona’s can
be fun, embarrassing (who cares?) and definitely titillating once you get the
hang of it. The more punch you can put into your roles, the more exciting it
will be for the two of you.
In fact, monthly we are able to have the NAUGHTIEST
threesomes imaginable. I can bring a little asian princess to bed with us
whenever I want to. This imaginary character, like a virtual escort, is perfect
in every way. My wife really gets off on my excitement to our introduction of
this character. She likes it so much, she has one or two of her own…let me see,
should I be more jealous of the pool boy, Fransisco or the South African
WarLord, Mojimbo?
Courtesy of ezineaticles
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